Bringing the Sharing Economy to Shipping
At the center of the sharing economy, of course, is the customer experience, especially as younger digital natives join the market expecting apps, chatbots, social sharing, and the like. “Young people today prioritize things that make their life easier,” said Meredith Ferguson, managing director of research firm DoSomething Strategic. Shifting patterns: The future of the logistics industry The future of the logistics industry 5 Our four logistics scenarios for the future of the industry are based primarily on the different ways collaboration and competition could evolve within the sector: • Sharing the PI(e): the dominant theme in this scenario is the growth of collaborative working, which allows the current market leaders to The “Sharing” Economy - Federal Trade Commission “Sharing” Economy: Issues Facing Platforms, Participants, and Regulators. 5. The Workshop brought together legal, economic, and business experts as well as stakeholders to examine competition, consumer protection, and economic issues arising from sharing economy activity. The Commission also Millennials, sharing economy and tourism: the case of ...
Does the Sharing Economy Increase Inequality Within the ... Does the Sharing Economy Increase Inequality Within the Eighty Percent?: Findings from a Qualitative Study of Platform Providers Juliet B. Schor Boston College* Abstract: The sharing economy has generated controversy for its effects on labor conditions, wages and the distributions of income and wealth. In this paper we present Sharing Economy Research Papers - View Sharing Economy Research Papers on for free. [PDF] DEBATING THE SHARING ECONOMY | Semantic Scholar The " sharing economy " has attracted a great deal of attention in recent months. Platforms such as Airbnb and Uber are experiencing explosive growth, which, in turn, has led to regulatory and political battles. Boosters claim the new technologies will yield utopian outcomes—empowerment of ordinary people, efficiency, and even lower carbon footprints. Critics denounce them for being about
Hopping Aboard the Sharing Economy - Boston Consulting … SHARING ECONOMY By Judith Wallenstein and Urvesh Shelat This is the first of three articles on the sharing economy. The goal of our research was to un-derstand whether the sharing of rides, apart-ments, and even clothing is a passing fashion or an enduring and relevant trend for busi-ness leaders. We interviewed more than 25 Whats Next for the Sharing Economy - Boston Consulting Group the sharing economy into a strategic advan-tage. This article focuses on the future of shar-ing in the global economy and the specific business models that are likely to succeed. The sharing economy has rapidly emerged as a large and expanding force. At first glance, it seems mainly limited to the mobility industry (Uber and What's Next for the Sharing Economy? - BCG Oct 04, 2017 · The sharing economy is powered by declining transaction costs. Smartphones, internet connectivity, and the cloud allow consumers to efficiently search for their desired goods and services, understand the terms, ensure timely logistics, and enforce the agreed-upon contract. Hopping Aboard the Sharing Economy - BCG
internationalization process of sharing economy companies. While some of these The subject of this Master thesis is “Internationalization in Sharing Economy: A Business Retrieved March 2018, from BCG-Global Management Consulting:. The Reviving the Ocean Economy: the case for action - 2015 The Boston Consulting Group ocean annual and asset-valuation methodology & Shared Wealth Fund pdf. The growth of the Online Platform Economy (OPE) has been contributing to the The New Economic Architecture. Linear Economy. Circular Economy. Nature as Resource. Nature as Source. Caring & Sharing. Making & Selling. Competition partner and managing director at Boston Consulting Group. She is the Shared agenda: What companies can do to shape the associated with the gig economy on their futures by the volume of calls were burgeoning so much that manual. 10 Sep 2019 Abstract— Sharing economy is a relatively recent development (Goyal, 2018) [ 9] with an Uber commissioned BCG report claiming more than Hopping Aboard the Sharing Economy - Boston Consulting …
Marketing in the Sharing Economy - Giana M. Eckhardt, Mark ...